How can I draw data 2D at differents points as fenceplot at Gnuplot, with a background transparent?
(too old to reply)
2021-03-26 21:38:52 UTC
I have three files where each file is 2D with an x-axis vs y-axis. I plot these files as fenceplot at Gnuplot.

With this code

set term postscript eps color enhanced font "Times,15"
set view 54,111
unset xrange
set xtics +.2
set ytics +.5
set yrange [0:5]
set ticslevel 0
set xlabel "Lc/Lx"
set xlabel font "" textcolor lt -.85 rotate parallel
set ylabel "R"
set ylabel font "" textcolor lt -.85 rotate parallel
set zlabel "{/Symbol D} P / P_{NS}"
set xlabel font "" textcolor lt -.85 rotate parallel
set style fill transparent solid 0.25
set pm3d depthorder
y(x) = sin(x)
set ytics ("0.40" 0, "0.45" 1, "0.50" 2)
splot "PressureDesv.dat0" u 1:(0):2 t "R=0.40", "PressureDesv.dat 1" u 1:(1):2 t "R=0.45", "PressureDesv.dat2" u 1:(2):2 t "r=0.50"
set output "maxwell_speed_distribution.eps"
set output
set term x11

I obtained this plot, but I cannot fill these curves with background transparent.
Jörg Buchholz
2021-03-29 05:30:10 UTC
Post by mfduqued
I have three files where each file is 2D with an x-axis vs y-axis. I plot these files as fenceplot at Gnuplot.
With this code
set term postscript eps color enhanced font "Times,15"
I obtained this plot, but I cannot fill these curves with background transparent.
Did you try another terminal? With term qt, wxt, pdfcairo, win I get a
transparent fill. With term postscript eps not.

