How to generate series of plots programmatically?
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Henryk Nowicki
2020-01-09 19:58:51 UTC
Hi, all!

How to generate series of plots with exactly the same numbers of finance bars on the
each plot?

What I want interactively can be achievid with something like this:

set xrange[0:100]
set xrange[100:200]
set xrange[200:300]
set xrange[300:400]
set xrange[400:500]

etc. to the end of datafile

Here is the gnuplot script I'm working on:

set term pngcairo enhanced font ",8" size 1600,900
set output "main.png"
set boxwidth 0.5 relative
set grid
set style line 1 lc rgb '#3B444B' lt 1 #border
set border linestyle 1
set errorbars 2.6
set border 3
set tics nomirror
set xtics 2
set xtics rotate by -90
set ytics 500
set xrange [30:60]
plot "< paste -d, main.db fast_sma long_sma signal.db" u 0:2:3:4:5 w finance lc rgb '#3B444B' lw 1.4, \
"" u 0:13 w l lc rgb '#FF7F50' lw 1.8, \
"" u 0:14 w l lw 1.8, \
"" u 15:16 w p lt 3 lc rgb 'red'

Thank you!
Karl Ratzsch
2020-01-10 18:25:34 UTC
Several possibilities, check "help do", and "help plot for".

The range iteration is a bit tricky with "plot for" i think, the "do
for [] {}" loop has the disadvantage that you need to have a plot
already before iterating through you data with "replot". Try
generating an empty plot beforehand, e.g. via

plot 0 lc rgb "white" notitle

if necessary.

Post by Henryk Nowicki
Hi, all!
How to generate series of plots with exactly the same numbers of finance bars on the
each plot?
set xrange[0:100]
set xrange[100:200]
set xrange[200:300]
set xrange[300:400]
set xrange[400:500]
etc. to the end of datafile