Post by KarlPost by i*** by i*** gnuplot documentation says that key title alignment is same as in the key. However, I find that it is always centered, irrespective of "set key Left/Right". Am I missing something? It would be great to have flexibility to build aligned tables as in Google-Scholar, e.g. top right of
I presently use gnuplot-4.6, and have been a very grateful gnuplot user for almost two decades.
I found an ugly workaround: set key outside top Left title sprintf("All career\n%-15s%5g\n%-15s %5g\n..., see graphic at
set key title tl1.tl2.tl3.tl4
If all table lines have the same length (using spacers over everything),
they even stay aligned when centred. I guess you tried to do the same,
but sprintf obviously doesn�t take the character widths into account.
Unrelated, it�d be nice to be able to control the justification of the
legend title, i.e.
set key title left|cent|right <titletext>
perhaps set up a feature request on
The documentation is indeed wrong, and the behaviour described there
also wouldn�t make much sense, imho.
Or you could use the epslatex/cairolatex/.. terminal and then add a
nicely streamlined table as latex code.
Best regards,
Thanks for the reply Karl, and confirming that the documentation is wrong! I used a fixed width font to avoid the problem you identified. Cheers, Igor.