Canvas mouse tracking box location
(too old to reply)
2020-11-19 02:14:26 UTC
The documentation and the demos on gnuplot's webpage indicate that the mouse-tracking box in a canvas plot should appear on the bottom of the plot.

However, when I create such a plot myself, I see the box on the left of the plot. Furthermore, the grid button does not work, and I see a button with sort of a double "A" that is not there in the demos.

Here is a screenshot that shows what I see: Loading Image...

To reproduce (I'm using gnuplot 5.4), run these commands:

set term canvas mousing
set output 'test.html'
plot sin(x)
set output

and then open 'test.html' in a web browser.

Does anyone know what is happening here, and how can I obtain plots as shown on the demos and described in the documentation?
2020-11-19 02:55:57 UTC
Post by MBaz
The documentation and the demos on gnuplot's webpage indicate that the mouse-tracking box in a canvas plot should appear on the bottom of the plot.
Here is what gnuplot outputs with the commands given above: https://gist.github.com/mbaz/c6106679b7c01ce58ab422a5b5dbd025
2020-11-19 18:43:20 UTC
Post by MBaz
Post by MBaz
The documentation and the demos on gnuplot's webpage indicate that the mouse-tracking box in a canvas plot should appear on the bottom of the plot.
Here is what gnuplot outputs with the commands given above: https://gist.github.com/mbaz/c6106679b7c01ce58ab422a5b5dbd025
I have found that there are several different classes in the mousebox CSS, and `mbleft` is the one used in the canvas html. I was hopeful that changing it manually to `mbunder` would help, but it didn't.

I also saw the example canvas demo plots for gnuplot 5.5 (unfortunately, the 5.4 canvas demos are 404). Besides much cleaner html, it uses the `mbunder` class, and disables the "text zoom" button.
2020-11-20 02:20:11 UTC
Post by MBaz
Post by MBaz
Post by MBaz
The documentation and the demos on gnuplot's webpage indicate that the mouse-tracking box in a canvas plot should appear on the bottom of the plot.
Here is what gnuplot outputs with the commands given above: https://gist.github.com/mbaz/c6106679b7c01ce58ab422a5b5dbd025
I have found that there are several different classes in the mousebox CSS, and `mbleft` is the one used in the canvas html. I was hopeful that changing it manually to `mbunder` would help, but it didn't.
I also saw the example canvas demo plots for gnuplot 5.5 (unfortunately, the 5.4 canvas demos are 404). Besides much cleaner html, it uses the `mbunder` class, and disables the "text zoom" button.
I was able to place the mousebox under the plot by copying the layout from gnuplot's demo page. This works: mouse zoom, mouse tracking, printing and clearing coordinates with the left and right mouse buttons, and the zoom reset/restore buttons. This doesn't work: grid on/off button, turning plots on/off.
Karl Ratzsch
2020-11-19 19:27:04 UTC
Post by MBaz
set term canvas mousing
set output 'test.html'
Hm, the output html doesn't work at all on firefox/win7

The firefox web console complains with the following, anybody know
what's wrong there? The paths are correct. Can't be the
slash/backslash mixture, can it?

Laden fehlgeschlagen für das <script> mit der Quelle "c:\Program
Files\gnuplot54\share/js/canvastext.js". test.html:6:1
Laden fehlgeschlagen für das <script> mit der Quelle "c:\Program
Files\gnuplot54\share/js/gnuplot_common.js". test.html:7:1
Laden fehlgeschlagen für das <script> mit der Quelle "c:\Program
Files\gnuplot54\share/js/gnuplot_dashedlines.js". test.html:8:1
Laden fehlgeschlagen für das <script> mit der Quelle "c:\Program
Files\gnuplot54\share/js/gnuplot_mouse.js". test.html:9:1
Uncaught ReferenceError: gnuplot is not defined
<anonymous> file:///C:/Users/ratzsch/Documents/gpmouse/test.html:10
Uncaught ReferenceError: gnuplot is not defined
<anonymous> file:///C:/Users/ratzsch/Documents/gpmouse/test.html:13
Die Zeichenkodierung des HTML-Dokuments wurde nicht deklariert. Das
Dokument wird in manchen Browser-Konfigurationen mit verstümmeltem
Text dargestellt, wenn das Dokument Zeichen außerhalb des
US-ASCII-Bereichs enthält. Die Zeichenkodierung der Seite muss im
Dokument oder Transferprotokoll deklariert werden. test.html
Uncaught ReferenceError: gnuplot is not defined
onload file:///C:/Users/ratzsch/Documents/gpmouse/test.html:1