double y plot
(too old to reply)
2019-10-01 14:05:12 UTC
I would plot graph with same x axis and different y axis

for an y axis I use

plot [-1:1.5][:] 'trace_300_gnu.txt' using (($1*13.60)-4.64665):(abs($6)), with lines lc rgb 'black' lw 2 lt 1 title "OO"

instead for ather y is
plot [-1:1.5][:] 'trace_300_gnu.txt' using (($1*13.60)-4.64665):(abs($4)), with lines lc rgb 'red' lw 2 lt 1 title "OO"

my trace file is

# Ef[Ry] T [K] N DOS(Ef) S s/t R_H kappa0 c chi
-0.10884 300.0000 -120.00000000 0.29203720E-09 -0.27291745E-02 0.18886614E+06 0.99875025E+04 0.41056803E+03 0.22423452E-08 0.43598651E-20
-0.10874 300.0000 -120.00000000 0.30781873E-09 -0.27246426E-02 0.19907287E+06 0.94747283E+04 0.43130045E+03 0.23555532E-08 0.45954698E-20
-0.10864 300.0000 -120.00000000 0.32445307E-09 -0.27201105E-02 0.20983118E+06 0.89883301E+04 0.45307715E+03 0.24744625E-08 0.48438063E-20
-0.10854 300.0000 -120.00000000 0.34198632E-09 -0.27155783E-02 0.22117088E+06 0.85269455E+04 0.47595061E+03 0.25993595E-08 0.51055627E-20
-0.10844 300.0000 -120.00000000 0.36046704E-09 -0.27110460E-02 0.23312337E+06 0.80892875E+04 0.49997592E+03 0.27305447E-08 0.53814641E-20
-0.10834 300.0000 -120.00000000 0.37994645E-09 -0.27065136E-02 0.24572178E+06 0.76741263E+04 0.52521090E+03 0.28683341E-08 0.56722749E-20
-0.10824 300.0000 -120.00000000 0.40047850E-09 -0.27019811E-02 0.25900101E+06 0.72802982E+04 0.55171632E+03 0.30130590E-08 0.59788008E-20


Karl Ratzsch
2019-10-02 06:57:11 UTC
Post by alberto
I would plot graph with same x axis and different y axis
for an y axis I use
plot [-1:1.5][:] 'trace_300_gnu.txt' using (($1*13.60)-4.64665):(abs($6)), with lines lc rgb 'black' lw 2 lt 1 title "OO"
instead for ather y is
plot [-1:1.5][:] 'trace_300_gnu.txt' using (($1*13.60)-4.64665):(abs($4)), with lines lc rgb 'red' lw 2 lt 1 title "OO"
You should perhaps give them a different title, but the general
syntax is

set xr [1:1.5]
plot firstdata
replot seconddata

You can give the range specifiers inline, but only with the first plot.

Or in one line

plot [a:b] dataf using 1:2, dataf using 1:3, dataf using 1:4

and you can break the line with backslashes

And a quick look into the help would have told you the same ;)

