Joey S
2023-04-17 09:44:10 UTC
gnuplot -persist <<-EOFMarker
set boxwidth 0.1
set grid ytics linestyle 0
set style fill solid noborder
set terminal svg size 800,600
set datafile separator ";"
set title "Pathogene"
set xlabel "${filename%.*}"
set ylabel "Prozentualer Anteil"
set format y "%+-12.2f"
set xtics rotate by 90 right
set term png size 800,600
set output "${filename%.*}.png"
stats "$1" using 0:3
print STATS_max_y
plot "${1}" using 0:4:xtic(2) every ::0::30 with boxes lc rgb "#0045FF" title
rotate by 90 notitle
Thats my Data
2023_04_16_11_45_36_ma_kuniq_standard_plus_eupath_minus_kdb_R_.txt; Plasmodium;45;.00003729825158146451
2023_04_16_11_45_36_ma_kuniq_standard_plus_eupath_minus_kdb_R_.txt; Clostridioides difficile;112;.00009283120393608946
And i want to show field 4 (or 3) as number in the graphic. I try it in every form but i think i don't understanding Gnuplot it doesnt fit in my brain !?!
set boxwidth 0.1
set grid ytics linestyle 0
set style fill solid noborder
set terminal svg size 800,600
set datafile separator ";"
set title "Pathogene"
set xlabel "${filename%.*}"
set ylabel "Prozentualer Anteil"
set format y "%+-12.2f"
set xtics rotate by 90 right
set term png size 800,600
set output "${filename%.*}.png"
stats "$1" using 0:3
print STATS_max_y
plot "${1}" using 0:4:xtic(2) every ::0::30 with boxes lc rgb "#0045FF" title
rotate by 90 notitle
Thats my Data
2023_04_16_11_45_36_ma_kuniq_standard_plus_eupath_minus_kdb_R_.txt; Plasmodium;45;.00003729825158146451
2023_04_16_11_45_36_ma_kuniq_standard_plus_eupath_minus_kdb_R_.txt; Clostridioides difficile;112;.00009283120393608946
And i want to show field 4 (or 3) as number in the graphic. I try it in every form but i think i don't understanding Gnuplot it doesnt fit in my brain !?!