3D plot
(too old to reply)
Dieter Britz
2019-10-29 09:30:50 UTC
I have this script:

gnuplot << eoi
set term postscript enh eps 24
set output 'CDL1.eps'
set title 'CD, L = 1'
set xrange [0:1.0]
set yrange [0:1.0]
set xtics 0, 0.5, 1
set ytics 0, 0.5, 1
set xlabel "X"
set ylabel "Y"
set zlabel "cd"
unset key
splot 'data/CDsL1.dat' w l lt 1

The result is here: http://dieterbritz.dk/CDL1.pdf

1. How do I move the x-axis labels (0, 0.5, 1) a bit
lower down so that the 0.5 doesn't hit the base line?
2. How do I lower the plot so that the zero level is right
at the bottom?
3 The orientation is not bad as is, but I tried to play with
the angle of view, e.g. using
splot 'data/CDsL1.dat' w l lt 1 rotate=pi
and there was an error with rotate. How is that done?
Dieter Britz
2019-10-31 10:33:54 UTC
gnuplot << eoi set term postscript enh eps 24 set output 'CDL1.eps'
set title 'CD, L = 1'
set xrange [0:1.0]
set yrange [0:1.0]
set xtics 0, 0.5, 1 set ytics 0, 0.5, 1 set xlabel "X"
set ylabel "Y"
set zlabel "cd"
unset key splot 'data/CDsL1.dat' w l lt 1 quit eoi
The result is here: http://dieterbritz.dk/CDL1.pdf
1. How do I move the x-axis labels (0, 0.5, 1) a bit
lower down so that the 0.5 doesn't hit the base line?
2. How do I lower the plot so that the zero level is right
at the bottom?
3 The orientation is not bad as is, but I tried to play with
the angle of view, e.g. using splot 'data/CDsL1.dat' w l lt 1
rotate=pi and there was an error with rotate. How is that done?
I found out how to lower the whole plot. But that, as you can see
now (same link) wiped out the zero axis marker for Z. Why is this?
And I still want to know how to shift the X-axis numbers so that
they don't touch the grid line.
Dieter Britz
2019-10-31 13:11:10 UTC
gnuplot << eoi set term postscript enh eps 24 set output 'CDL1.eps'
set title 'CD, L = 1'
set xrange [0:1.0]
set yrange [0:1.0]
set xtics 0, 0.5, 1 set ytics 0, 0.5, 1 set xlabel "X"
set ylabel "Y"
set zlabel "cd"
unset key splot 'data/CDsL1.dat' w l lt 1 quit eoi
The result is here: http://dieterbritz.dk/CDL1.pdf
1. How do I move the x-axis labels (0, 0.5, 1) a bit
lower down so that the 0.5 doesn't hit the base line?
2. How do I lower the plot so that the zero level is right
at the bottom?
3 The orientation is not bad as is, but I tried to play with
the angle of view, e.g. using splot 'data/CDsL1.dat' w l lt 1
rotate=pi and there was an error with rotate. How is that done?
I found out how to lower the whole plot. But that, as you can see now
(same link) wiped out the zero axis marker for Z. Why is this?
And I still want to know how to shift the X-axis numbers so that they
don't touch the grid line.
Forget it, I have worked around it.
Dieter Britz
Chris Elvidge
2019-10-31 14:27:34 UTC
Post by au76666
gnuplot << eoi set term postscript enh eps 24 set output 'CDL1.eps'
set title 'CD, L = 1'
set xrange [0:1.0]
set yrange [0:1.0]
set xtics 0, 0.5, 1 set ytics 0, 0.5, 1 set xlabel "X"
set ylabel "Y"
set zlabel "cd"
unset key splot 'data/CDsL1.dat' w l lt 1 quit eoi
The result is here: http://dieterbritz.dk/CDL1.pdf
1. How do I move the x-axis labels (0, 0.5, 1) a bit
lower down so that the 0.5 doesn't hit the base line?
2. How do I lower the plot so that the zero level is right
at the bottom?
3 The orientation is not bad as is, but I tried to play with
the angle of view, e.g. using splot 'data/CDsL1.dat' w l lt 1
rotate=pi and there was an error with rotate. How is that done?
I found out how to lower the whole plot. But that, as you can see now
(same link) wiped out the zero axis marker for Z. Why is this?
And I still want to know how to shift the X-axis numbers so that they
don't touch the grid line.
Forget it, I have worked around it.
Please tell ......
Chris Elvidge, England
Jörg Buchholz
2019-11-01 07:20:41 UTC
Post by Chris Elvidge
Post by au76666
gnuplot << eoi set term postscript enh eps 24 set output 'CDL1.eps'
set title 'CD, L = 1'
set xrange [0:1.0]
set yrange [0:1.0]
set xtics 0, 0.5, 1 set ytics 0, 0.5, 1 set xlabel "X"
set ylabel "Y"
set zlabel "cd"
unset key splot 'data/CDsL1.dat' w l lt 1 quit eoi
The result is here: http://dieterbritz.dk/CDL1.pdf
1. How do I move the x-axis labels (0, 0.5, 1) a bit
   lower down so that the 0.5 doesn't hit the base line?
2. How do I lower the plot so that the zero level is right
   at the bottom?
3 The orientation is not bad as is, but I tried to play with
   the angle of view, e.g. using splot 'data/CDsL1.dat' w l lt 1
   rotate=pi and there was an error with rotate. How is that done?
I found out how to lower the whole plot. But that, as you can see now
(same link) wiped out the zero axis marker for Z. Why is this?
And I still want to know how to shift the X-axis numbers so that they
don't touch the grid line.
Forget it, I have worked around it.
Please tell ......
Nobody needs a "work around" for that. See help xtics and use the
"offset". It's simple.

2019-11-01 10:29:58 UTC
Post by Jörg Buchholz
Post by Chris Elvidge
Post by au76666
gnuplot << eoi set term postscript enh eps 24 set output 'CDL1.eps'
set title 'CD, L = 1'
set xrange [0:1.0]
set yrange [0:1.0]
set xtics 0, 0.5, 1 set ytics 0, 0.5, 1 set xlabel "X"
set ylabel "Y"
set zlabel "cd"
unset key splot 'data/CDsL1.dat' w l lt 1 quit eoi
The result is here: http://dieterbritz.dk/CDL1.pdf
1. How do I move the x-axis labels (0, 0.5, 1) a bit
   lower down so that the 0.5 doesn't hit the base line?
2. How do I lower the plot so that the zero level is right
   at the bottom?
3 The orientation is not bad as is, but I tried to play with
   the angle of view, e.g. using splot 'data/CDsL1.dat' w l lt 1
   rotate=pi and there was an error with rotate. How is that done?
I found out how to lower the whole plot. But that, as you can see now
(same link) wiped out the zero axis marker for Z. Why is this?
And I still want to know how to shift the X-axis numbers so that they
don't touch the grid line.
Forget it, I have worked around it.
Please tell ......
Nobody needs a "work around" for that. See help xtics and use the
"offset". It's simple.
I tried that and the numbers got shifted left but still touching
the grid line. No doubt I have misread the specs.
Dieter Britz
Jörg Buchholz
2019-11-01 13:33:16 UTC
Post by au76666
Post by Jörg Buchholz
Post by Chris Elvidge
Post by au76666
gnuplot << eoi set term postscript enh eps 24 set output 'CDL1.eps'
set title 'CD, L = 1'
set xrange [0:1.0]
set yrange [0:1.0]
set xtics 0, 0.5, 1 set ytics 0, 0.5, 1 set xlabel "X"
set ylabel "Y"
set zlabel "cd"
unset key splot 'data/CDsL1.dat' w l lt 1 quit eoi
The result is here: http://dieterbritz.dk/CDL1.pdf
1. How do I move the x-axis labels (0, 0.5, 1) a bit
   lower down so that the 0.5 doesn't hit the base line?
2. How do I lower the plot so that the zero level is right
   at the bottom?
3 The orientation is not bad as is, but I tried to play with
   the angle of view, e.g. using splot 'data/CDsL1.dat' w l lt 1
   rotate=pi and there was an error with rotate. How is that done?
I found out how to lower the whole plot. But that, as you can see now
(same link) wiped out the zero axis marker for Z. Why is this?
And I still want to know how to shift the X-axis numbers so that they
don't touch the grid line.
Forget it, I have worked around it.
Please tell ......
Nobody needs a "work around" for that. See help xtics and use the
"offset". It's simple.
I tried that and the numbers got shifted left but still touching
the grid line. No doubt I have misread the specs.
You can specify the offset for x y and z coordinates. For what do you
specify the offset?

2019-11-01 14:11:46 UTC
Post by Jörg Buchholz
Post by Jörg Buchholz
Post by Chris Elvidge
Post by au76666
Post by au76666
gnuplot << eoi set term postscript enh eps 24 set output
set title 'CD, L = 1'
set xrange [0:1.0]
set yrange [0:1.0]
set xtics 0, 0.5, 1 set ytics 0, 0.5, 1 set xlabel "X"
set ylabel "Y"
set zlabel "cd"
unset key splot 'data/CDsL1.dat' w l lt 1 quit eoi
The result is here: http://dieterbritz.dk/CDL1.pdf
1. How do I move the x-axis labels (0, 0.5, 1) a bit
   lower down so that the 0.5 doesn't hit the base line?
2. How do I lower the plot so that the zero level is right
   at the bottom?
3 The orientation is not bad as is, but I tried to play with
   the angle of view, e.g. using splot 'data/CDsL1.dat' w l lt 1
   rotate=pi and there was an error with rotate. How is that
I found out how to lower the whole plot. But that, as you can see
now (same link) wiped out the zero axis marker for Z. Why is this?
And I still want to know how to shift the X-axis numbers so that
they don't touch the grid line.
Forget it, I have worked around it.
Please tell ......
Nobody needs a "work around" for that. See help xtics and use the
"offset". It's simple.
I tried that and the numbers got shifted left but still touching the
grid line. No doubt I have misread the specs.
You can specify the offset for x y and z coordinates. For what do you
specify the offset?
The numbers under the x axis. Without an offset, they just touch the
grid line at Y = 0.
Dieter Britz
Jörg Buchholz
2019-11-01 15:50:03 UTC
Post by au76666
Post by Jörg Buchholz
Post by Jörg Buchholz
Nobody needs a "work around" for that. See help xtics and use the
"offset". It's simple.
I tried that and the numbers got shifted left but still touching the
grid line. No doubt I have misread the specs.
You can specify the offset for x y and z coordinates. For what do you
specify the offset?
The numbers under the x axis. Without an offset, they just touch the
grid line at Y = 0.
Yes, of course

set xtics offset first 0,0,-5
This place the tic labels from the x-axis in the negative z-direction.

set xtics offset 0,-1
This place the tic labels from the x-axis in the negative y-direction.


2019-11-01 10:36:49 UTC
Post by Chris Elvidge
Post by au76666
gnuplot << eoi set term postscript enh eps 24 set output 'CDL1.eps'
set title 'CD, L = 1'
set xrange [0:1.0]
set yrange [0:1.0]
set xtics 0, 0.5, 1 set ytics 0, 0.5, 1 set xlabel "X"
set ylabel "Y"
set zlabel "cd"
unset key splot 'data/CDsL1.dat' w l lt 1 quit eoi
The result is here: http://dieterbritz.dk/CDL1.pdf
1. How do I move the x-axis labels (0, 0.5, 1) a bit
lower down so that the 0.5 doesn't hit the base line?
2. How do I lower the plot so that the zero level is right
at the bottom?
3 The orientation is not bad as is, but I tried to play with
the angle of view, e.g. using splot 'data/CDsL1.dat' w l lt 1
rotate=pi and there was an error with rotate. How is that done?
I found out how to lower the whole plot. But that, as you can see now
(same link) wiped out the zero axis marker for Z. Why is this?
And I still want to know how to shift the X-axis numbers so that they
don't touch the grid line.
Forget it, I have worked around it.
Please tell ......
I hate to admit my clumsy solution, but I asked for no xtics and placed
the numbers "manually" with label ".." at ... Actually this had the
advantage that it fixed the zero mark at the origin, so that it now
refers to both X and Z axes, whereas before, gnuplot left out the zero
for the Z axis, even though I specified 0, 10, 20 for that. So it's not
totally crazy, I think. It did eliminate the tic mark at X = 0.5, but
the plot is so dense there that I don't think that will be noticed.

I'm not complaining, but I did all this because there seemed to be no
response to my question for days. I understand that you are all busy.
Dieter Britz