how to print the line title
(too old to reply)
chao zhou
2021-11-16 08:11:01 UTC
when i set out the png, the line title "xx" can not show, what is the problem?
Buzz McCool
2021-11-18 16:09:27 UTC
Post by chao zhou
when i set out the png, the line title "xx" can not show, what is the problem?
Can you provide more details?

Perhaps you can include some example code demonstrating the problem?

chao zhou
2021-11-21 07:59:06 UTC
在 2021年11月19日星期五 UTC+8 上午12:09:31,<Buzz McCool> 写道:
Post by Buzz McCool
Post by chao zhou
when i set out the png, the line title "xx" can not show, what is the problem?
Can you provide more details?
Perhaps you can include some example code demonstrating the problem?
# setup terminal
set term pngcairo lw 2 font "Times,14"
set output 'band.png'

set style data dots
set nokey
set xrange [0: 6.365]
set yrange [ -12 : 15]
set arrow from 0.762, -12 to 0.762, 15 nohead
set arrow from 1.417, -12 to 1.417, 15 nohead
set arrow from 2.073, -12 to 2.073, 15 nohead
set arrow from 2.826, -12 to 2.826, 15 nohead
set arrow from 4.137, -12 to 4.137, 15 nohead
set arrow from 4.457, -12 to 4.457, 15 nohead
set arrow from 5.447, -12 to 5.447, 15 nohead
set arrow from 5.992, -12 to 5.992, 15 nohead
set arrow from 6.365, -12 to 6.365, 15 nohead
set xtics (" G " 0.00000," X " 0.762," P " 1.417," N " 2.073," G " 2.826," M " 4.137," S|S_0 " 4.457, " G|X " 5.447," R|G " 5.992," M " 6.365 )
plot "BAND.dat" u 1:2 with lines title "dftu","2" u 1:2 with lines title "hse"
# flush output
set output

this is my code , but the title can not be printed in the png . how to deal with it.
Dr Engelbert Buxbaum
2021-11-21 15:08:37 UTC
Post by chao zhou
Post by Buzz McCool
Post by chao zhou
when i set out the png, the line title "xx" can not show, what is the problem?
Can you provide more details?
Perhaps you can include some example code demonstrating the problem?
# setup terminal
set term pngcairo lw 2 font "Times,14"
set output 'band.png'
set style data dots
set nokey
set xrange [0: 6.365]
set yrange [ -12 : 15]
set arrow from 0.762, -12 to 0.762, 15 nohead
set arrow from 1.417, -12 to 1.417, 15 nohead
set arrow from 2.073, -12 to 2.073, 15 nohead
set arrow from 2.826, -12 to 2.826, 15 nohead
set arrow from 4.137, -12 to 4.137, 15 nohead
set arrow from 4.457, -12 to 4.457, 15 nohead
set arrow from 5.447, -12 to 5.447, 15 nohead
set arrow from 5.992, -12 to 5.992, 15 nohead
set arrow from 6.365, -12 to 6.365, 15 nohead
set xtics (" G " 0.00000," X " 0.762," P " 1.417," N " 2.073," G " 2.826," M " 4.137," S|S_0 " 4.457, " G|X " 5.447," R|G " 5.992," M " 6.365 )
plot "BAND.dat" u 1:2 with lines title "dftu","2" u 1:2 with lines title "hse"
# flush output
set output
this is my code , but the title can not be printed in the png . how to deal with it.
have you tried: set title "<your title>"?
DIN EN ISO 9241 Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual
display terminals (VDTs) - Part 13: User guidance
9.5.3 Error messages should convey what is wrong, what corrective
actions can be taken, and the cause of the error.
Jörg Buchholz
2021-11-22 06:10:26 UTC
Post by chao zhou
在 2021年11月19日星期五 UTC+8 上午12:09:31,<Buzz McCool> 写道:
Post by Buzz McCool
Post by chao zhou
when i set out the png, the line title "xx" can not show, what is the problem?
Can you provide more details?
Perhaps you can include some example code demonstrating the problem?
# setup terminal
set term pngcairo lw 2 font "Times,14"
set output 'band.png'
set style data dots
set nokey
set xrange [0: 6.365]
set yrange [ -12 : 15]
set arrow from 0.762, -12 to 0.762, 15 nohead
set arrow from 1.417, -12 to 1.417, 15 nohead
set arrow from 2.073, -12 to 2.073, 15 nohead
set arrow from 2.826, -12 to 2.826, 15 nohead
set arrow from 4.137, -12 to 4.137, 15 nohead
set arrow from 4.457, -12 to 4.457, 15 nohead
set arrow from 5.447, -12 to 5.447, 15 nohead
set arrow from 5.992, -12 to 5.992, 15 nohead
set arrow from 6.365, -12 to 6.365, 15 nohead
set xtics (" G " 0.00000," X " 0.762," P " 1.417," N " 2.073," G " 2.826," M " 4.137," S|S_0 " 4.457, " G|X " 5.447," R|G " 5.992," M " 6.365 )
plot "BAND.dat" u 1:2 with lines title "dftu","2" u 1:2 with lines title "hse"
# flush output
set output
this is my code , but the title can not be printed in the png . how to deal with it.
The title in the plot command is used in the key, but you use "nokey".
If you use "set key" instead of "set nokey" than your "line titles" will
be displayed in the key.

