在 2021年11月19日星期五 UTC+8 上午12:09:31,<Buzz McCool> 写道:
Post by Buzz McCoolPost by chao zhouwhen i set out the png, the line title "xx" can not show, what is the problem?
Can you provide more details?
Perhaps you can include some example code demonstrating the problem?
# setup terminal
set term pngcairo lw 2 font "Times,14"
set output 'band.png'
set style data dots
set nokey
set xrange [0: 6.365]
set yrange [ -12 : 15]
set arrow from 0.762, -12 to 0.762, 15 nohead
set arrow from 1.417, -12 to 1.417, 15 nohead
set arrow from 2.073, -12 to 2.073, 15 nohead
set arrow from 2.826, -12 to 2.826, 15 nohead
set arrow from 4.137, -12 to 4.137, 15 nohead
set arrow from 4.457, -12 to 4.457, 15 nohead
set arrow from 5.447, -12 to 5.447, 15 nohead
set arrow from 5.992, -12 to 5.992, 15 nohead
set arrow from 6.365, -12 to 6.365, 15 nohead
set xtics (" G " 0.00000," X " 0.762," P " 1.417," N " 2.073," G " 2.826," M " 4.137," S|S_0 " 4.457, " G|X " 5.447," R|G " 5.992," M " 6.365 )
plot "BAND.dat" u 1:2 with lines title "dftu","2" u 1:2 with lines title "hse"
# flush output
set output
this is my code , but the title can not be printed in the png . how to deal with it.