plotting text
(too old to reply)
Jan Schmidt
2023-06-06 08:25:35 UTC

is there a way to plot a datafile with text and replace the text with numbers?

i.e. the datafile looks like

1684746646.005043 open standby 0.3
1684746646.045847 closed standby 0.2

and I want a line chart where I can see the movement from "open" to "closed" as a jump.

plot "datafile" u 1:2 replace("open",1), replace("closed",2) w l, "datafile" u 1:4 w l
Jörg Buchholz
2023-06-07 06:18:13 UTC
Post by Jan Schmidt
is there a way to plot a datafile with text and replace the text with numbers?
i.e. the datafile looks like
1684746646.005043 open standby 0.3
1684746646.045847 closed standby 0.2
and I want a line chart where I can see the movement from "open" to "closed" as a jump.
plot "datafile" u 1:2 replace("open",1), replace("closed",2) w l, "datafile" u 1:4 w l
1684746646.005043 open standby 0.1
1684746646.045847 closed standby 0.2
1684746646.005043 open standby 0.3
1684746646.045847 closed standby 0.4
1684746646.005043 open standby 0.5
1684746646.045847 open standby 0.6
1684746646.005043 open standby 0.7
1684746646.045847 closed standby 0.8

plot [0:1.0][0:2.0] 'file' u 4:(strcol(2) eq "open" ? 1.0:0.0) w histeps

