Сергей Саленко
2022-02-17 17:04:56 UTC
Good evening!
I am a new user gnuplot, so please help me.
Formulation of the problem.
In the Cartesian coordinate system, it is necessary to build 4 graphs on the 1st sheet.
1. I wrote a program for this, which I saved in a file test_gnu_1.txt:
set border 3
set xtics nomirror
set ytics nomirror
set xzeroaxis line type -1
set grid
plot “E:\x0x10_speed.txt” u 1:2 t “x=0” w lp pt 1 lc 1,
“” u 1:3 t “x=2” w lp pt 2 lc 2,
“” u 1:4 t “x=4” w lp pt 4 lc 3,
“” u 1:5 t “x=10” w lp pt 6 lc 4
2. In the editor NOTEPAD , save this file with the extension .gp : test_gnu _1.gp.
3. On the command line gnuplot I typed load “E:\ test_gnu _1.gp” – gnuplot gave an error message.
4. Then I did the following experiment
4.1. On the command line gnuplot I typed
plot “E:\x0x10_speed.txt” u 1:2 t “x=0” w lp pt 1 lc 1,
“” u 1:3 t “x=2” w lp pt 2 lc 2,
“” u 1:4 t “x=4” w lp pt 4 lc 3,
“” u 1:5 t “x=10” w lp pt 6 lc 4
Gnuplot drew graphs.
4.2. Left only command 4.1 in the file test_gnu _1.gp and on the command line gnuplot I typed load “E:\ test_gnu _1.gp” – gnuplot gave an error message.
Conclusion: gnuplot does not "understand" file test_gnu _1.gp.
I have 64b. computer and OS Windows 10. Gnuplot version 5.2, patchlevel 2, terminal type ‘windows’, encoding ‘cp 1251’.
Thanks in advance for your help and with the hope of understanding .
I am a new user gnuplot, so please help me.
Formulation of the problem.
In the Cartesian coordinate system, it is necessary to build 4 graphs on the 1st sheet.
1. I wrote a program for this, which I saved in a file test_gnu_1.txt:
set border 3
set xtics nomirror
set ytics nomirror
set xzeroaxis line type -1
set grid
plot “E:\x0x10_speed.txt” u 1:2 t “x=0” w lp pt 1 lc 1,
“” u 1:3 t “x=2” w lp pt 2 lc 2,
“” u 1:4 t “x=4” w lp pt 4 lc 3,
“” u 1:5 t “x=10” w lp pt 6 lc 4
2. In the editor NOTEPAD , save this file with the extension .gp : test_gnu _1.gp.
3. On the command line gnuplot I typed load “E:\ test_gnu _1.gp” – gnuplot gave an error message.
4. Then I did the following experiment
4.1. On the command line gnuplot I typed
plot “E:\x0x10_speed.txt” u 1:2 t “x=0” w lp pt 1 lc 1,
“” u 1:3 t “x=2” w lp pt 2 lc 2,
“” u 1:4 t “x=4” w lp pt 4 lc 3,
“” u 1:5 t “x=10” w lp pt 6 lc 4
Gnuplot drew graphs.
4.2. Left only command 4.1 in the file test_gnu _1.gp and on the command line gnuplot I typed load “E:\ test_gnu _1.gp” – gnuplot gave an error message.
Conclusion: gnuplot does not "understand" file test_gnu _1.gp.
I have 64b. computer and OS Windows 10. Gnuplot version 5.2, patchlevel 2, terminal type ‘windows’, encoding ‘cp 1251’.
Thanks in advance for your help and with the hope of understanding .