Escaping special characters into titles/axis labels
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Martin Brown
2021-03-19 16:13:07 UTC
I'm new to gnuplot and find it very powerful but there are a couple of
fairly simple things that I just can't see how to do.

One is to escape in the greek symbol "alpha", "beta","theta" or "pi" or
equivalently to tell the axis scaling logic that I would like an axis to
scaled in fractions of pi. I can rename the variables but pi is well pi!

The compromise I have settled on for now is to plot the results on the
range -1 to 1 and label the axis as theta/pi since I don't know and
can't figure out how to escape it in. I tried \pi a la TeX.

I have also tried various suggestions I found online {/Symbol p} and I
do get an unprintable character displayed as a "?" but nothing more
terminal type is "qt" enhanced.

Thanks for any enlightenment on how to show Greek letters on graphs.

I was initially confused by the distinction when in mono mode between
set mono linetype and set linetype. It all worked OK once I remembered
to explicitly specify set mono linetype.

A few more distinct defined mono linetypes wouldn't go amiss in the
default distribution. 5 seems a bit mean given that they are a bit
tricky to alter. Seems to me when terminal is in mono mode the "mono"
linetype settings should be the ones that get changed by set linetype.
Martin Brown
Karl Ratzsch
2021-03-19 19:59:31 UTC
Post by Martin Brown
I'm new to gnuplot and find it very powerful but there are a couple
of fairly simple things that I just can't see how to do.
One is to escape in the greek symbol 'alpha', 'beta','theta' or 'pi'
or equivalently to tell the axis scaling logic that I would like an
axis to scaled in fractions of pi. I can rename the variables but pi
is well pi!
The most straightforward method is to set all tics explicitly

set xtics pi ('pi/2' pi/2, 'pi' pi, '3pi/2' 3*pi/2, \
'2pi' 2*pi, '5pi/2' 5*pi/2, '3pi' 3*pi)
set grid
plot [0:3*pi] sin(x)

, you might use a "do for" loop to create the tics/labels as a macro
string. Alternatively you can just scale everything

set xtics .5 format '%hpi'
set grid
plot [0:3] sin(x*pi) title 'sin(x)'

. It could be nice to be able to add a piece of math containing the
axis variable to the format string, like with gprintf(). You can
post a feature request on gnuplot.sf.net

Use utf8 encoding ("set encoding utf8") to put in the pi symbol
(copy the greek symbols from a web page), or use one of the latex

Martin Brown
2021-03-21 09:32:37 UTC
Post by Karl Ratzsch
Post by Martin Brown
I'm new to gnuplot and find it very powerful but there are a couple of
fairly simple things that I just can't see how to do.
One is to escape in the greek symbol 'alpha', 'beta','theta' or 'pi'
or equivalently to tell the axis scaling logic that I would like an
axis to scaled in fractions of pi. I can rename the variables but pi
is well pi!
The most straightforward method is to set all tics explicitly
    set xtics pi ('pi/2' pi/2, 'pi' pi, '3pi/2' 3*pi/2, \
              '2pi' 2*pi, '5pi/2' 5*pi/2, '3pi' 3*pi)
    set grid
    plot [0:3*pi] sin(x)
, you might use a "do for" loop to create the tics/labels as a macro
string. Alternatively you can just scale everything
    set xtics .5 format '%hpi'
    set grid
    plot [0:3] sin(x*pi) title 'sin(x)'
. It could be nice to be able to add a piece of math containing the axis
variable to the format string, like with gprintf(). You can post a
feature request on gnuplot.sf.net
Use utf8 encoding ("set encoding utf8") to put in the pi symbol (copy
the greek symbols from a web page), or use one of the latex terminals.
Thank you for your very helpful explanation of how to do it.
Martin Brown