How to Control the pm3d z range
(too old to reply)
2020-04-12 23:28:32 UTC
I have tried a bunch of things, but I can't find something to work...

I am generating a bunch of similar graphs in the form of colored contour plots (flat plots where the color corresponds to the z values). The graph looks great, and I have a nice color key on the right showing the values associated with each color.

The problem: the key/graph is autoscaled based on the input z data column. For one graph the colors range from 30 to 80; for the next graph the same colors range from 20 to 100. I need every graph to have the same fixed scale.

I keep trying things like set zrange[30:100], but no matter what I try the colors are autoscaled. How can I force the colors to fall into a set scale range? This seems like a simple thing, but I can't hit on a winning combination:)
Gavin Buxton
2020-04-13 14:09:54 UTC
set cbrange[30:100]
