Old user learns new Gnuplot tricks
(too old to reply)
2019-09-06 14:53:43 UTC
I started using Gnuplot 15 years ago only to display data from my engineering application. It would create scripts and data files then spawn Gnuplot to interactivley view the results or create a Postscript file for inclusion in my publications. Recently for a research project I decided to do all my simulations in Gnuplot proper. Along the way I discovered features I hadn't used before: the serial operator, set isosamples, set table, set grid vertical, set border, array, and more. The results were amazing so I would just like to thank all those contributors to the project for creating and continually advancing it.

Gavin Buxton
2019-09-07 16:46:53 UTC
I want to echo that sentiment! I started using gnuplot as a PhD student in 1998 (on a unix machine) and still prefer it for piping output from simulations and plotting all my publication figures. A big thank you to all the folks who have worked to make this software what it is!
2019-10-08 18:27:52 UTC
Also just used FIT for the first time and got excellent results fitting 100s of points (from SPLOT zero contour TABLE) to a rational polynomial function.