How do i pipe data to gnuplot/no-fifo and plot the data on the fly
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Veek M
2020-02-16 02:18:54 UTC
my output is

42.0 27.8 29.8 43.0 42.0 43.0
42.0 27.8 29.8 43.0 42.0 43.0

while true; do
sensors|egrep -o ' \+[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]+°C '|tr -d ' +°C'|tr -s '\n' ' ';
echo; sleep 1;
done|gnuplot -p -e '
set xrange [0:60];
set yrange [20:80];
while (1) {
plot "-" using 1:2, "" using 1:3; pause 1; reread;

just blocks.
while true; do sensors|egrep -o ' \+[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]+°C '|tr -d ' +°C'|tr -
s '\n' ' '; echo; sleep 1; done|gnuplot -p -e 'plot "-" using 1:2, ""
using 1:3'

So I tried
echo 20 40 60|gnuplot -p -e 'set xrange [0:60]; set yrange [20:80]; plot
"-" using 1:2, "" using 1:3'
line 1: warning: Skipping data file with no valid points
why is that?
Gavin Buxton
2020-02-16 13:59:31 UTC
Sorry, tbh I'm not following. Usually I dump data to a file and pipe commands to gnuplot to plot the file. That's pretty easy to do, if that would help?
Veek M
2020-02-18 14:42:17 UTC
( seq 1 10 )|gnuplot -p -e 'set xrange [0:100]; set yrange [0:100];
while(1) { plot "<&3" using ($0):1 every ::::3:0; pause 10; replot; }' 3</

Something like this works but only just.. basically you got to manually
pipe the data using some gnuplot specific syntax not to mention the
redirect to fd in bash
plot "<&3"
